
Hi, I'm Howl!

I've been in fandom since around 2007-ish, and have been putting my hands in all manner of hobbies since before then! The ones that have stuck around the most are writing and drawing, though more and more I'm enjoying things where I can really get my hands on it.

You might have seen me around in the following places:

Regarding fandoms, I hop around quite a bit and have a deep love for weird little rarepairs. I've also been admin/mod and creator of several fan events, and I go to great lengths to help archive fandom spaces and fan content which would otherwise be lost. The Web Archive/Wayback Machine is my greatest love in that regard, and I try to donate to them whenever I can considering how often I deep-dive into their archives.

Most of my fannish content can be found on my Tumblr or AO3 archive.

When it comes to hobbies, the more the merrier! I've agreed with myself to try something new at least every couple of years, and I'm amassing a small collection of my attempts at different crafts that give me much joy. I've tried blowing glass, pottery, stained glass, spinning wool, and I hope to continue trying more interesting things in the future!

Currently, the hobbies you'll most likely see me posting about are gardening, fibercrafts (knitting, sewing, just got started on crocheting), writing, and painting (acrylics, but I do want to get started with watercolours). Recipes might be saved here as well.

On this website:

- On the Fandom section, you'll likely find fandom archival-related things, links to old fandom websites that have managed to survive until now, and a collection of information that likely isn't easily found on your search engine of choice. Fic recs might also show up here.

- Media recommendations! Self-explanatory. Probably a list of my favourite things with long rambling comments about why they're GREAT.

- Hobby resources will detail my explorations of my current hobbies, as well as provide advice, tips, links, tutorials, and resources for each of them.

- Under the Links section, you'll find a collection of things I found useful or interesting.

I hope you have fun!